Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bald River Falls - Tellico Plains, TN

One of our core values at CIY is community. We add specific elements into our events that allow youth groups to experience community. I love when our staff gets to experience community! Because we have so much fun together!

Yesterday the TN 5 & 6 team got to sleep in, then we ventured about and hour and a half east to Tellico Plains, TN. We spent the afternoon playing in the river. Some of the guys went fly fishing while others climbed on the rocks and hiked some small trails. We ended the trip with a dinner at a hole in the wall BBQ place.

We all came back refreshed and ready for our final week of Conference, that begins today!

Bald River Falls

Sydney French

Jon & me

Jennifer & me

Jayson ready to fly fish

Everyone wading in the river