Thursday, May 3, 2007

Day #3 of not working...

Last week this time, I had high hopes of crossing all kinds of things off my home to-do list...I've not gotten very far.

Here's what today looked like:
1. Took Jon to work

2. Went to the Y for a 30 minute cardio workout on the treadmill

3. Came home and cleaned up

4. Made 2 batches of yummy banana bread

5. Ate left over lasagna

6. Filed a few things while listening to Corinne Bailey Rae

7. Watched The Ellen Degeneres Show

8. Watched Oprah

9. Picked up Jon from work.

I didn't even do 10 things that were significant today! I'm going to "blame it on the rain"...isn't that a song Johnny?
I have high hopes for tomorrow...


Ryan Claborn said...

Suggested additional activities:

1. Spend an hour with your favorite video game.

2. Watch 2 episodes of 30-minute Meals (my wife's favorite thing to do), which should really be called "How to cook everything using EVOO."

3. Look up sports trivia on the internet and then quiz Jon when he gets off work. Not sure this serves any purpose, but I'd love to see his reaction.

4. Enjoy some down time. You've earned it.

The Strawberry Blonde said...

Hey S,
So I just sent you an email but it didn't go through. I guess I don't have your new one since you left CIY. Could you email me so I have it?

Thanks friend!

Love & Miss You!